A sketchpad project based on Sinatra, Nginx using docker-compose

I recently came across a monolithic application at work that used various frameworks, which in turn made extending existing routes very difficult to implement.

The general consensus amongst my peers was to stick a proxy in front of the application. The only decision left was to determine if we could do this using the existing reverse proxy (Nginx), or write a bespoke proxy (between Nginx and the existing monolith).

The requirement for the proxy was to take a value in the URL, and pass it on as a request parameter to the monolith.

An example incoming URL might look like this /api/parp/foo. We want this URL to be rewritten to the monolith as /api/foo and parp to be appended to the request parameter as value for the key fart_noise. The only liberty I've taken with the solution is that the value of fart_noise will always be parp in this scenario.

You can do this easily enough in Nginx using proxy_set_body directive.

In addition to this requirement, I needed to leave incoming URLs without parp as-is, this is because we expect the client to provide an alternative value for fart_noise i.e. toot.

I created a test server to simulate the monolith using Sinatra. Which is great for creating REST based APIs, I think it actually edges Flask out for simplicity.

I used the namespace directive to add prefix /api to the existing end points i.e. /api/foo. I only needed to prove the URL rewrites would work for GET and POST methods, so I echoed the params variable back as a response which allowed me to verify the parameters were being modified correctly.

class MyWay < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Namespace
  namespace '/api' do
    get '/foo' do
      logger.info "api/foo parameters: #{params}"

    post '/bar' do
      logger.info "api/bar parameters: #{params}"

The Nginx config is a fairly standard reverse proxy setup. The only modification that I did was to created two location blocks: one to handle the rewrite and appending a parameter to the request, and the other for URLs that did not need modification.

server {
    listen 80;
    location /api/parp { # fix parps
        rewrite (.*)/parp/(.*) /$1/$2 break;
        proxy_set_body $request_body&fart_noise=parp;
        # other proxy directives...

    location /api { # leave as-is
        # other proxy directives...

Obviously I didn't come up with this conclusion immediately, I needed some kind of sketchpad / scratch space to try out the various ideas for rewriting the requests. Enter docker-compose, a handy way to join a bunch of containers together without having brain meltdown from remembering the various incantations that are the individual docker commands.

Here's the docker-compose.yml I used:

version: '3'
    build: ./app
    command: ["bundle","exec","rackup","--host","","--port","4567"]
      - ./app/:/app
    image: nginx
    command: ["nginx-debug", "-g", "daemon off;"]
      - ./proxy/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
      - 8080:80
      - app

The items you may find useful are:

You can see the whole project on GitHub.

Shrewd readers will notice (in the repo) that parp isn't the item in the URL that we wanted to change. The problem was actually that there are different versions of the data set. Some view this as a change to the API therefore requiring a version tag in the URL. Others do not, which is why version was being passed as a parameter.
